Two players are passing a bomb back and forth. Each player may choose to disarm it, or pass it on to the other player without disarming it. Make your choices secretly, without allowing the other player to see the screen.
If you choose to disarm the bomb and your opponent doesn't, you will lose one point and your opponent will gain one point (the reverse is true if you pass and your opponent disarms).
If both players disarm the bomb, no one gets any points.
If neither player disarms the bomb, the game round continues, and there is a chance that the bomb will explode. The chance of the bomb exploding goes up every time the bomb is not disarmed. If it explodes, both players lose 10 points.
(set: $rounds to 1)(set: $rand to 0)(set: $rand to (random: 1,10))(set: $score1 to 0)(set: $score2 to 0)(set: $d1 to 0)(set: $d2 to 0)(set:$bothpass to 0)
(if: $rounds is 1 and $bothpass is 0)[(set: $roundmax to (prompt: "How many rounds should the game last?")) (set: $gamerounds to 1)(set: $gamerounds to (num: $roundmax))]ROUND $rounds of $gamerounds
PLAYER 1 - What is your choice?
(link:"Disarm Bomb")[(set:$d1 to "yes")(goto: "p2")]
(link:"Pass Bomb")[(set:$d1 to "no")(goto: "p2")]
Round $rounds of $gamerounds
PLAYER 2 - What is your choice?
(link:"Disarm Bomb")[(set:$d2 to "yes")(goto: "result")]
(link:"Pass Bomb")[(set:$d2 to "no")(goto: "result")]
(if:$d1 is "yes" and $d2 is "yes")[Both players disarmed the bomb; no points are awarded this round. (set: $rand to (random: 1,10)) (set: $rounds to it + 1)
[[Continue->newgame]]](if:$d1 is "yes" and $d2 is "no")[Player 1 disarmed the bomb and loses a point; Player 2 gains a point. (set: $score1 to it -1)(set: $score2 to it +1) (set: $rand to (random: 1,10)) (set: $rounds to it + 1)
[[Continue->newgame]]](if:$d1 is "no" and $d2 is "yes")[Player 2 disarmed the bomb and loses a point; Player 1 gains a point. (set: $score1 to it +1) (set: $score2 to it -1) (set: $rand to (random: 1,10)) (set: $rounds to it + 1)
(if:$d1 is "no" and $d2 is "no")[The bomb was not disarmed.]
(if: $d1 is "no" and $d2 is "no" and $rand < 9)[Round $rounds continues, and the danger level rises.(set: $bothpass to 1)
(link:"Continue")[(set:$rand to it + 2)(goto: "newgame")]]
(if: $d1 is "no" and $d2 is "no" and $rand >= 9)[And it EXPLODES! Both players lose 10 points.(set: $score1 to it -10) (set: $score2 to it -10)(set: $rounds to it + 1) (set: $rand to (random: 1,10))
[[Continue->newgame]] ]
Player 1: $score1
Player 2: $score2
(if: $rounds < ($gamerounds + 1))[[[Continue->r1p1]]]
(if: $rounds is ($gamerounds + 1))[GAME OVER]
Player 1 has chosen. It is player 2's turn.
(link:"Ready")[(goto: "r1p2")]